
  • 4Life Loyalty Program
    The 4Life Loyalty Program is a monthly subscription order that delivers your favorite 4Life products to you every month. You also earn Loyalty Points you can redeem for free products of your choice!
  • Builder Bonus
    This is a financial bonus to reinforce key Direct Seller behaviors like signing up new Direct Sellers, duplication, and retention.
  • Compression
    Direct Sellers in your downline who don’t qualify as Associates or higher are removed for that month when commissions are calculated.
  • Downline
    The line of Direct Sellers that runs directly below you.
  • Enroller
    The person who introduced you to 4Life (may also be your sponsor).
  • Frontline
    Your first level of Direct Sellers sponsored by you.
  • Instant Discount
    Direct Seller receive a 25% Instant Discount, starting in month four, on all personal volume over 100 LP.
  • Leg
    A part of your downline that starts with one of your Frontline and continues below that Direct Seller.
  • Life Points (LP)
    Every 4Life product is assigned a Life Point or LP value used to calculate Direct Seller commissions.
  • Organizational Volume (OV)
    The LP from your personal purchases, MyShop purchases, and all Direct Sellers in your downline. This volume is important when qualifying for higher ranks.
  • Direct Sellers
    Those who sign up and receive wholesale pricing on 4Life products.
  • Principal Volume (PV)
    PV is the total LP for products purchased by:
    • You to consume or sell for a retail profit.
    • Customers on your MyShop site.
  • Rapid Rewards
    On all LP orders placed within the first three months, you earn a 25% commission on your personally enrolled Direct Sellers' orders, 12% on Direct Seller orders on your second level, and 5% on Direct Seller orders on your third level.
  • Retail Customers
    Those who purchase 4Life products from Direct Sellers at the retail price.
  • Sponsor
    The person in your upline who is directly above you (may also be your enroller).
  • Team Volume
    Your Principal Volume, plus the orders of your frontline Direct Sellers
  • Three-Level Volume
    Composed of your total Principal Volume (PV) and the combined PV of people on your first three levels.
  • Upline
    The line of Direct Sellers directly above you.
†The Builder Bonus program is available to all Direct Sellers with a rank of Builder or above. Builder Bonus eligibility varies by rank. Program may be modified, depending on the market. For program rules, refer to the Terms and Conditions on your market’s website.